
Help Our Wildlife

Wildlife Rescue Animals Posted Dec 15, 2020
Every spring is trauma season at the RSPCA Wildlife Hospital. Our native Australian wildlife are on the move and this means that we can see over 80 new wildlife patients coming into our hospital every day!

With so many wild animals needing our care this time of year, that’s a lot of animal rescues, veterinary treatment and rehabilitation that is going on right now behind the scenes at the RSPCA. You can help support our wildlife team to help save more lives.

Gibb is one recent koala that is very lucky to have survived crossing the road in Logan.

Suffering head injuries after being hit by a car in Buccan earlier this month, Gibb was brought into our RSPCA Wildlife Hospital for emergency care.

Wildlife Veterinarian, Dr Tim Portas, treated Gibb for head injuries and also performed surgery for a severe tongue laceration he sustained from the impact.

It was beautiful to see Gibb the next day post-surgery, really going to town on some fresh gum leaves in the Wildlife Hospital. Despite his recent surgery, he wasn’t letting it get in the way of his appetite!

koala eating leaves

Additional testing revealed that Gibb was also infected with Chlamydia, so he’ll be spending a few more weeks in care while he undergoes treatment for the disease.

Despite all of this, Gibb’s prognosis for recovery is good and he should be released back to the wild sometime in October.

Gibb is just one of 13 koalas currently at the RSPCA Wildlife Hospital in Wacol receiving treatment.

koala eating leaves

Please drive carefully with wildlife more active on our roads

For tips, view our avoiding wildlife on our roads article here.

Hector is another animal that is lucky to be alive! Despite his rather large size of 5kg, Hector the echidna still wasn’t seen by the car who hit him. Thankfully, Hector was taken to a local vet for triage. Our Animal Ambulance team were quick on the scene to collect Hector and transport him for treatment and rehabilitation at our Wildlife Hospital.

echidna being held in towels

If you see injured or sick animals, report them to the RSPCA’s 24/7 Animal Emergency Hotline 1300 ANIMAL (1300 264 625)

Luckily for this big echidna, veterinary exams revealed that Hector had managed to escape his ordeal with only superficial wounds, a rare sight in these cases! Despite his incredible luck, Hector required more than a week of close monitoring and veterinary treatment, followed by a rehabilitation period.

echidna being held

We’re pleased to let you know that Hector has now been released back into the wild after making a full recovery!

If you’d like to help our wildlife, you can donate to our Spring Appeal here to ensure koalas like Gibb and echindas like Hector, get the emergency care they need. 

Emma Lagoon
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