Spring can be a troublesome time for animals.

Desex your pet:

Spring has sprung and so have the number of kittens and cats flooding RSPCA centres across Queensland. Sadly a staggering number of “unwanted” animals are euthanised each year in shelters across Queensland. Unfortunately, there is simply an insufficient number of available homes. Please don't litter and desex your pet. Learn more about desexing.

Pets and toads don’t mix:

Cane toads are a highly invasive species and are regarded as a major environmental pest in Australia. They also present a significant health risk to our pets. In order for your pet to be poisoned by a toad, they have to actually pick it up in their mouth, bite it or lick it.

If your pet has come into contact with a cane toad the first obvious sign is frothing at the mouth. If you suspect your pet has come into contact with a cane toad immediately flush out the poison with a garden hose. Make sure the water does not run down their throat (and into their lungs) or into their nose. Hold their head down and direct the water into the side of their mouth so the water runs gently out and cannot run back into the throat. Alternatively, sponge out the gums using a very wet cloth that is rinsed regularly. If your pet is vomiting, has diarrhoea, is showing signs of weakness, difficulty breathing, or is appearing confused and disoriented seek immediate advice from your veterinarian.

For information on how to humanely kill a cane toad, please download the Fact Sheet.